4 Kasım 2010 Perşembe


AAMASKY, Skylight Design Analysis Tool. Easy-to-use design tool for layout and energycost and performance modeling of simple skylit spaces. Developed by Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). Contact: American Architecture Manufacturers
Association (AAMA), (708) 202-1350.

ADELINE. Advanced integrated lighting design and analysis package, incorporating DXF
input capability, SCRIBE MODELLER, PLINK, SUPERLIGHT, SUPERLINK, and RADIANCE, for detailed and advanced analysis of complex buildings. Available for MS-DOS 486 platforms. Developed by LBNL. Contact: Steve Selkowitz, (510) 486-5064.
Building Design Advisor (BDA). Easy-to-use design tool for preliminary design phase beingdeveloped by LBNL. Alpha version currently available Contact: Constantinos
Papamichael, (510) 486-6854.

DAYLITE, Daylighting design tool. Available for MS-DOS 386 and 486. Developed by the
Graduate School of Architecture, University of California at Los Angeles. Contact:
Murray Milne, (310) 825-7370.

D O E - 2. Building envelope, building systems, and daylighting analysis package. DOE
Version 2.1E available for MS-DOS and Windows (386 and 486) and UNIX workstations.
Developed by LBNL. Contact: Fred Winkleman, (510) 486-4925.

ENERGY-10, Low-Rise Building Design. Design manual and software. Windows-environment program for small commercial buildings allows early design evaluation of 16
energy-saving stategies including daylighting. Developed by National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Passive Solar Industries Council (PSIC), U.S. Department of
Energy, and LBNL. Contact: Blaine Collison at PSIC, (202) 628-7400.

LUMEN MICRO 6.0. PC program that enables calculation of average illuminance, evaluated using the zonal cavity method, and point-by-point horizontal and vertical illuminances; generating tables, iso-contour maps, or perspective renderings of spaces
lighted with equipment or daylighting components specified by the user. Available
through Lighting Technologies, Boulder, CO.

P O W E R D O E. Windows-environment version of DOE-2 with user-friendly interface.
Available in early 1996. Developed by LBNL. Contact: Fred Winkleman, (510) 486-

RADIANCE. Lighting and daylighting modeling tool for performing accurate photorealistic
lighting simulation. Available for UNIX workstations. Developed by LBNL.
Contact: Charles Erlich, (510) 486-7916.

SUPERLITE 2.0. Daylighting analysis tool. Available for MS-DOS 386 and 486. Developedby LBNL. Contact: Rob Hitchcock, (510) 486-4154.


Aşağıda işinize yarayacağını düşündüğüm bir takım aydınlatma prensiplerine ait şekiller ve tablolar bulunuyor.



Energy efficiency and renewable energy (Enerji verimliliği ve yenilebilir enerji)
– Building orientation to take advantage of solar access, shading, and natural lighting
– Effects of micro-climate on building
– Thermal efficiency of building envelope and fenestration
– Properly sized and efficient heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system
– Alternative energy sources
– Minimization of electric loads from lighting, appliances, and equipment
– Utility incentives to offset costs
Direct and indirect environmental impact: (Doğrudan ve dolaylı çevrenin etkisi)
– Integrity of site and vegetation during construction
– Use of integrated pest management
– Use of native plants for landscaping
– Minimization of disturbance to the watershed and additionalnon-point-source pollution
– Effect of materials choice on resource depletion and air and water pollution
– Use of indigenous building materials
– Amount of energy used to produce building materials
Resource conservation and recycling (Kaynakların korunumu ve geri dönüşümü)
– Use of recyclable products and those with recycled material content
– Reuse of building components, equipment, and furnishings
– Minimization of construction waste and demolition debris through reuse and recycling
– Easy access to recycling facilities for building occupants
– Minimization of sanitary waste through reuse of graywater and water-saving devices
– Use of rainwater for irrigation
– Water conservation in building operations
– Use of alternative wastewater treatment methods
Indoor environmental quality (İç ortam hava kalitesi)
– Volatile organic compound content of building materials
– Minimization of opportunity for microbial growth
– Adequate fresh air supply
– Chemical content and volatility of maintenance and cleaning materials
– Minimization of business-machine and occupant pollution sources
– Adequate acoustic control
– Access to daylight and public amenities
Community issues (Bölgesel sorunlar)
– Access to site by mass transit and pedestrian or bicycle paths
– Attention to culture and history of community
– Climatic characteristics as they affect design of building or building materials
– Local incentives, policies, regulations that promote green design
– Infrastructure in community to handle demolition-waste recycling
– Regional availability of environmental products and expertise
Kaynak: Sustainable building technical manual Green Building Design, Construction, and Operations Produced by Public Technology Inc. n US Green Building Council
Sponsored by U.S. Department of Energy n U.S. Environmental Protection Agency